Landing Pages, Links, Guides, & Basics
Landing Pages
For Road Show micro exhibitions, landing pages with links to a micro exhibition and links to related resources will be published using the “micro exhibition” content type on Road Show at Beinecke Library. For example, see Piazza San Marco: Writers and Tourists landing page with links to sway presentation and relevant Beinecke collections. All Road Show micro exhibitions–not matter the format–will have a landing page on Road Show at Beiencke: Micro Exhibitions.
To create a Drupal micro exhibtion landing page log in (link below) and click “Content” in the top menu, then “add content” then “micro exhibiton” – you can find your landing page again through the Dashboard; use the “publishing options” button to save and “unpublish” in process work
Sign in: Road Show Micro Exhibtion Landing Page (Drupal): (Log in with Yale Net ID); Drupal guide: Getting Started with Yale Sites (add content: basic page)
Drupal Blog Posts & Resource Pages
This site (like all Yale Sites) uses Druple, a free, open-source web contet framework; a drupal “basic page” can function as a blog post or research guide micro exhibiton. A blog post might be especially effective for linear structures (narratives, timelines) and for instances where a single text introduces a group of similar materials that do not each need substantive explication. A research guide format gathers, organizes, and highlights relationships between and among objects and related collections and resources.
Drupal Blog Post or Research Guide (Road Show Basic Page): (Log in with Yale Net ID)
Getting Started with Yale Sites (add content: basic page)
NOTE: to create a Drupal basic page click “Content” in the top menu, then “add content” then “basic page” – you can find your page again through the Dashboard; use the “publishing options” button to save and “unpublish” in process work
Sway is a web publishing app that dynamically combines images and text; the format works well with a balanced arrangement of images and text; images galleries can also be created in sway.
Sway: (Log in with Yale Net ID)
NOTE: sway presentations are automatically saved and updated online ; use the “Share” button to invite users or to generate a link
Social Media
An episodic series of events, related biographical sketches of members of a community, clusters of objects that share a common format or theme may be best exhibited as a series of Instagram posts or tweets.
Instagram: @americanlitatbeinecke (Log in Required)
Twitter: @YCAL_JWJ (Log in Required)
Other Formats
Micro exhibions might be made in other formats, using other tools and social media platforms. Members of the Road Show Public Humanities workshop are welcome to experiment with formats (including video and audio recordings and platforms such as YouTube, TicTok, and SnapChat) and to propose alternatives.