A micro exhibition collects, describes, explicates, and displays a small group of materials from the Beinecke Library collections that together tell a story, document an event, explore an idea, or make an argument.
Micro exhibitions employ various online formats that can be used to create persistent resources; they are often accompanied by related collection resource guides.
Detailed guidelines for making a Beinecke Library micro exhibition are online here: Beinecke Library Micro Exhibitions: A Guide.
Micro exhibitions may take a variety of forms, using different technologies to produce different kinds of online exhibition formats. The format of a micro exhibition will depend, in large part, on the specific materials to be exhibited.
An incomplete list of Micro Exhibition Formats
- sway presentations
- blog posts (created in Drupal)
- Instagram or Twitter series
- curated topical research guides
- short collections-focused films
More information about and examples of these and other formats are available here: Road Show: Micro Exhibitions.
Find links, guides, and basic tools for working with micro exhibition formats online here: Micro Exhibition Formats: Getting Started
Road Show Micro Exhibition Landing Pages
For Road Show micro exhibitions, landing pages with links to a micro exhibition and links to related resources will be published using the “micro exhibition” content type on Road Show at Beinecke Library. For example, see Piazza San Marco: Writers and Tourists landing page with links to sway presentation and relevant Beinecke collections.
To create a Drupal micro exhibition landing page log in (link below) and click “Content” in the top menu, then “add content” then “micro exhibition” – you can find your landing page again through the Dashboard; use the “publishing options” button to save and “unpublish” in process work
Sign in: Road Show Micro Exhibition Landing Page (Drupal): https://beineckeroadshow.yale.edu/User (Log in with Yale Net ID); Drupal guide: Getting Started with Yale Sites (add content: basic page)